网站首页产品展示通用色谱柱GC-PLOT柱> Rt®-Alumina BOND/CFC Columns(熔融石英plot柱)

Rt®-Alumina BOND/CFC Columns(熔融石英plot柱)




所 在 地:北京市朝阳区望京西园222号星源国际D座1503室

产品特点:Highly selective for C1-C5 hydrocarbons; separates all unsaturated hydrocarbon isomers above ambient temperatures.

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Rt®-Alumina BOND/CFC Columns(fused silica PLOT)

*Improved inertness for halogenated compounds.

*Highly selective alumina-based column, separates most CFCs.

*High retention and capacity for CFCs.

Product Name:

Rt-Alumina BOND/CFC

Temp. Limits:

to 200°C



Internal Diameter:


df (µm):


1. Highly selective for C1-C5 hydrocarbons; separates all unsaturated hydrocarbon isomers above ambient temperatures. 2. Reactivity of aluminum oxide stationary phase is minimized so that column response for polar unsaturates, such as dienes, is optimized. Column sensitivity or response ensures a linear and quantitative chromatographic analysis for these compounds. 3. Strong bonding prevents particle generation. The column can be used in valve switching operations, without release of particles that can harm the injection and detection systems. 4. The Rt®-Alumina BOND column is stable up to 200 °C . If water is adsorbed on the column, it can be regenerated by conditioning at 200 °C . Full efficiency and selectivity will be restored. 5. High capacity and loadability give exceptionally symmetric peaks; ideal for volatile hydrocarbon separations at percent levels, as well as impurity analyses at ppm concentrations.

Guaranteed Reproducibility Each Rt®-Alumina BOND column is tested with a hydrocarbon test mix to ensure proper phase thickness and selectivity. 1,3-Butadiene is used to calculate k (capacity factor), which is a measure of phase thickness. Selectivity is measured using retention indices for propadiene and methyl acetylene. The resolution oftrans-2-butene and 1-butene is also verified. To measure coating efficiency, plates per meter are checked using 1,3-butadiene. Extensive testing assures reproducible retention times and predictable flow behavior column-to-column.

*Improved inertness for halogenated compounds.

*Highly selective alumina-based column, separates most CFCs.

*High retention and capacity for CFCs.

The alumina adsorbent is ideal for retaining halogenated compounds, especially CFC (chlorinated flourocarbons, freons). It offers high selectivity, allowing a wide range of CFC isomers to be resolved at above ambient temperatures. The Rt®-Alumina BOND/CFC column is thoroughly deactivated to reduce the reactivity of alumina. Even though there is still some residual reactivity for some mono- or di-substituted halogenated hydrocarbons, the majority of these compounds can be accuray quantified from main stream processes or in impurity analyses.


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联系人:薛海玲 电话:010-84723211 邮箱 总部地址:北京市朝阳区望京西园222号星源国际D座1503室


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